Tour Philosophy
Let me welcome you again to Knee Deep Into History Battlefield Tours’ website!
Selecting a battlefield tour guide with a tour philosophy that matches your travel style, interest level and physical ability can make the difference between a vacation and the adventure of a lifetime. In the next few paragraphs allow me to explain Knee Deep Into History’s tour philosophy and why we think you should select us for your next battlefield tour:
Into the Field
As our name implies, we enjoy taking customers into the field, to explore first-hand where the action occurred. Given the choice and time constraints, always a delicate balance, we prefer walking the fields over visiting memorials and museums. This is easier on some battlefields than others. For example, the fields and woods of the Meuse-Argonne, Verdun and St. Mihiel battlefields hold many more treasures than other battlefields.
Don’t fret–we are not talking 10km (6 mile) hikes. We try to work in meaningful, paced walks on varying terrain during each tour.

Small-Group Tour Concept
All else equal, we like to limit our tours to a maximum of eighteen participants. We could earn more filling a 50-seat coach, but it would be much less personal and educational for you, our clients.
Closer to a “Nutter” than a “Romance” Tour
Most of our tours are geared for individuals with an interest in military history. This means our clients should expect to be out in the field during the day, regardless of weather. We will build in some down time for independent exploration, but it is limited. Also, it is not always convenient for travel partners to stay back at the hotel for a day off. We generally return to the hotel an hour or more before dinner, allowing some down time before the traditional slow-paced European multi-course dinner.

Both Sides of the Story
There’s a German phrase, “Der Sieger schreibt die Geschichte.” (The victor writes the history.) During the tour, we try to present both sides of the story and to provide a balance view of the action. This is possible, because I and the other guides have done research on units involved in both sides of an action.
Bridging Cultures
Different does not mean bad, just different. I have lived in Europe more than two years of my life. I speak German fluently, am proficient in French, and I enjoy exploring local cultures and customs. I have also built long-lasting friendships with many locals as a result of my travels. The other guides you will encounter on a Knee Deep tour will be Americans with similar life experiences or Europeans.
Our tours will generally feature staying in small, local family-owned hotels (mostly three-star, some two-star) and restaurants.

Next Steps?
Explore how we structure our tours to meet this philosophy.
Read our client testimonials. We love the reviews we receive from our customers!
Have a look at our current tour offerings!