Planning to participate in our 102nd Infantry Regiment / Yankee Division WW1 Battlefield Tour in April 2023? Speak up now. The REGISTRATION DEADLINE FOR THE TOUR IS 17 JANUARY. This is necessary to ensure our ability to secure rooms at the various hotel/restaurants that we have selected and to secure other vendors.
If you’re still on the fence, you can find a copy of the tour brochure and terms and conditions on the 102nd Inf. Regt. and Yankee Division Western Front Battlefield Tour – Knee Deep Into History webpage. You can also look at the various articles about the tour that we have posted in the website’s Blog – Knee Deep Into History and on the Knee Deep Into History Battlefield Tours Facebook Page.
Finally, you can contact Randy Gaulke with any questions that you might have at
We believe we have designed a compelling 7-day / 6-night battlefield tour that will take you to many key locations where the 102nd Infantry Regiment and other units of the Yankee Division fought during WW1. It will conclude with participation in the Centennial Rededication of the State of Connecticut Fountain and the Road Renaming for the Yankee Division in Seicheprey, France.
Ensure your spot today by signing the registration form and terms and conditions and sending your deposit, as outlined in the tour brochure. Then get knee deep into the history of the 102nd Infantry Regiment and the Yankee Division in April 2023!

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